Wireless Network

eduroam: Device Configuration Instructions

eduroam is the principle wireless network within the University of Oxford, and is available in nearly all University spaces. Once configured it will give Internet Access in any of the providing departments or colleges. Due to its flexibility and availability across the University eduroam should be considered the primary source of Wi-Fi connectivity for personally used devices.

Visit the the Access WiFi (eduroam) webpage to find full and comprehensive information and guidance. This page details the ways and means one can connect to eduroam and how. In the first instance one should try the simple instructions if applicable, and if this doesn’t work move on to the other options.


You will first need to set up a Remote Access Account. Your remote access account is different from your Single Sign-On (SSO) account.




Configuration of eduroam can differ per device, but (with the exception of Android) this can be achieved by following these simple instruction. Please beware that these are generic instructions so do not be dismayed if you don’t see the exact questions or prompts.

  1. turn on Wireless Adaptor and connect to the eduroam wireless network
  2. you will be asked to enter a username and password
  • username: enter your SSO username followed by @OX.AC.UK eg. abcd1234@OX.AC.UK
  • password: enter your Remote Access Password (not your SSO/email password)
  1. click Join or OK to continue with the connection
  2. accept or click continue on any authentication or security prompts
  3. If successful eduroam will state as connected


If you experience difficulties, a configuration client called the eduroam CAT tool can be downloaded on to your device to configure the eduroam connection. Please follow these steps:

  1. go to https://cat.eduroam.org

2. select your Organisation: University of Oxford

eduroam step1

3. if you have an Android device, click on Android, otherwise click on All other systems

eduroam step2

4. click the Download your eduroam installer button for your system (it should be automatically detected, but if not, please click on the Choose another installer to download link)

eduroam step3

5. run the installer. When prompted enter your Remote Access username and password. Your username is in the following example format: abcd1234@OX.AC.UK - enter the OX.AC.UK part of your username in uppercase as some devices will not connect to eduroam if this is lowercase.


For more detailed instructions on installing the eduroam CAT tool please visit the IT Services Access WiFi (eduroam) page.


You can check the validity of your eduroam password at the link below:
